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Creatively Decorating the Outside of the Home With Christmas Luminaries
Making simple tin can luminaries is a wonderful way of adding a cozy, homemade feeling to your outdoor area and are a great craft you can do yourself. Put them in groups scattered around the landscaping, on either side of the front door, or line a path or the walkway to the door for a truly festive touch.
The supplies you will need for making your own tin can luminaries are:
- Candles
- Cardboard
- Hammer
- Nail
- Newspaper
- Paint brush
- Pencil
- Tin cans
- Various Christmas cookie cutters such as a star, Christmas tree, and bell
- White paint
To make the luminaries:
1. First, wash the cans and remove the labels, then dry completely.
2. Paint the outside of all the cans with white paint, allowing it to dry thoroughly.
3. Apply two more coats, waiting between each for the paint to dry.
4. Next is time to add the shapes using the cookie cutter of your choice and the pencil to trace around the edges onto the front of a can. Choose shapes that are relatively simple, such as a Christmas tree, bell, or star for the best results, and add extra lines drawn freehand to signify snow if you like.
5. Stuff the cans as much as possible with newspaper and cardboard after tracing the designs in order to help them retain their shape while punching the holes through.
6. Now use the nail and hammer to punch holes through the cans, placing the nail's point directly on the penciled line before firmly tapping it with the hammer until you have broken completely through. For larger holes, keep tapping the nail through until it reaches its roundest and largest point. Alternately, for smaller holes, just let the very tip of the nail enter the tin. Try to space the holes evenly apart at regular intervals for the neatest results.
7. After finishing the holes, inspect the cans to see that there are no scratched areas where the paint will need to be touched up a bit.
8. After the touch-up coat has dried, place the candles inside your new luminaries using a long-tipped match to reach down in for lighting. Tea lights will burn out after only an hour, so choose larger votives to keep your decorations aglow for an entire winter's evening.
Start a new holiday tradition that everyone will come to love year after year and create a new luminary for each season, punching the new year into the can, or simply painting the number on the can's bottom. Now, your visitors will have no trouble at all finding their way to your home this Christmas Eve as your beautiful luminaries will be lighting their path.
If you still need to buy outdoor Christmas lights be sure to visit the Christmas store of xmas-ornament.com where you will find Christmas lights and other seasonal decorations.
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