Monday, February 16, 2009

Lolita Wig (Natural Red) Adult Halloween Costume Accessory (B542)

Lolita Wig (Natural Red) Adult Halloween Costume Accessory

We all think of Jack-O-Lanterns when we think of Halloween. I don't know about you, but I've always looked forward to carving the pumpkin. But when it comes down to it, the kids are REALLY excited about carving the pumpkin, but at 4 and 6 years old, I haven't yet allowed them to wield the knife.

Once the pumpkins are opened, they dig for a few minutes, then get tired of emptying the pumpkin . . . and getting messy. They then watch anxiously while I carve the pumpkin and stress out. In the end, they are excited with the results, but haven't actually done much to bring them about.

Last year, we did not carve pumpkins. We painted them instead! Although this posed a mess of its own, it was not the same mess that carving makes. There was no pulp, no seeds, only paint (and washable paint at that). There was also no knife. And best of all, the kids could do it themselves! And to top it all off, our pumpkins did not rot and mold like the traditional jack-o-lanterns I've had in the past. They lasted till after Thanks Giving and we enjoyed them the whole time.

If you'd like to try painting your pumpkin this year, here are a few tips to get you started:
- Pick a pumpkin that has as few flaws and blemishes as possible. These areas will be the first places to turn soft and rot.
- Gently clean your pumpkin and wipe it dry.
- Paint the whole pumpkin with a multi-purpose sealer. This helps the pumpkin last longer.
- Use your imagination to create your own masterpiece.
- Seal the pumpkin again once your painting is complete.

Here a re a few ideas to get you started:
- Draw your design with a permanent marker prior to painting.
- Draw on a piece of paper and softly transfer the design onto the pumpkin.
- Download patterns online, or use clip art for patterns.
- Use stencils to paint your pumpkin. This allows you to paint with out worrying about keeping a straight line.
- Use masking tape to create patterns.
- Use foam stamps or sponges to transfer paint patterns onto your pumpkin.
- Embellish your pumpkin with more than paint. Add other items.

For additional references to get you started please visit

So, go ahead and get your pumpkin painted and enjoy it until Halloween and beyond. Remember, your imagination is the only limit to what you can do. Enjoy and Happy Halloween!

I am, above all else, a wife and mother. My family is my rock. They are my inspiration. They are, in many ways, the definition of who I am. My goal is to share more quality time with them and help others to do the same.

Christmas - The Ideal Christmas Dinner

It's Christmas Day and you're having the family over for dinner. The only thing you can think of is how much work you're going to have to put into this thing. Even a guest list of eight can be a real chore to cook for. And the last thing you want is for your family to go home grumbling about how bad the meal was, especially if some of those family members are in-laws. This may be your one chance to really make a good impression. But how do you do this without having to hire a high priced chef?

Well, believe it or not, there are Christmas dinners that you can prepare that are easy, inexpensive and tasty enough to send your guests home with a full stomach and a smile on their faces. If you think it can't possibly be that simple, keep reading because this is one easy to make dinner.

The first thing you have to do is break your dinner down into courses; the more the better. Guests who get a lot of food tend to be easily pleased because they feel they are getting a lot for their money. And heaven knows there are plenty of course you can dish out at a meal such as appetizer, soup, salad, etc. So where do we begin?

Starting with the appetizer, the best way to impress your guests is with a nice shrimp cocktail. Don't get those skimpy, skinny shrimp. Get the ones that are thick and long and meaty. This is a great ice breaker and will get your dinner off on more than the right foot. Don't worry about getting any fancy cocktail sauce. They're all pretty much the same. The shrimp alone, if it's good, will sell them.

Next you want a nice soup. Pick something a little fancier than a plain chicken soup. Maybe cream of chicken or cream of mushroom. Make sure that you have lots of saltine crackers to go with the soup. Serve the soup in a large bowl, not a cup. Again, you want to give your guests a lot to eat. The soup itself can even be out of a can. You don't have to make it homemade.

For salad, keep it simple. A nice green salad of lettuce, carrots, mushrooms and tomatoes will be fine. The whole key to the salad is the dressing. Make sure you have a number of dressings on the table for them to choose from. Don't put the dressing in the salad. Some people like Italian, some don't. Give them a choice. This will make them feel special that you were this thoughtful.

For the main dish, nobody likes anything more than a nice turkey. Turkey's are fool proof to cook these days with their built in little pop up timers. Make sure you have plenty of stuffing to go with it and of course cranberry sauce. Leaving out the cranberry sauce is like asking for daggers aimed at your heart. Along with the main dish, make sure you have a couple of hot vegetables like corn, green beans, carrots and cauliflower.

Finally, you want to have several desserts for your guests to choose from. A couple of pies and a cake should do fine. And of course you want two pots of coffee. One regular and one decaf. Not everybody wants to be on a caffeine high, especially if they're elderly.

By following these simple tips you are sure to have a Christmas dinner that everybody is sure to enjoy.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Christmas