It started four Christmas Seasons ago with a conversation with my husband that went something like this, "How about if I decorate the inside of the house and you decorate the outside of the house?" His response was, "I don't really feel like decorating the outside of the house this year". Hmmm. I chose not to respond (must have been a good time of the month) and instead took some time to think about it. My conclusion was this, I didn't really feel like decorating the inside of the house either. And, I knew I really wasn't going to feel like undecorating the house come the end of the Holiday Season. So my answer to his response (a few days later) was to make my husband a deal. If he wanted the inside of the house decorated (which included the putting up of a Christmas tree), then he would have to decorate (and undecorate) the outside of the house.
Well, we didn't decorate for Christmas that year nor have we decorated since. I mean no tree; no lights; no wreaths; nothing. While I was a bit sad the first year, I must say that I have come to enjoy not stressing about decorating. I don't have to sit down with my calendar and work decorating into my already crazy schedule. No searching for the boxes labeled "Christmas" stuck somewhere in the attic; no wrapping and unwrapping all those dainty little ornaments; no untangling lights and checking all the strings for the burnt out bulbs.
We still listen to Christmas music; we still enjoy viewing other people's decorations; but we just keep it simple in our home now. I have even found that since we don't have a tree in which to place presents under, that my spending on gifts has diminished quite a bit, as well. We now have more time to enjoy family and friends and the real meaning of Christmas.
Regina Boyett, a professional flutist and mom of a super son, now operates a successful home-based business in a million-dollar industry through Noah's Ark Animal Workshop. Regina's traveling workshops are a hit at kids birthday parties, child care centers, and any place for stuffed animal lovers, young and old. Regina was recently named "Miss Noah's Ark 2008" at her company's National Convention. Contact Regina at or visit her website at