A Superhero is defined as, "a hero, especially in children's comic books and television cartoons, possessing extraordinary, often magical powers; usually portrayed as fighting evil or crime." Every child dreams of being a superhero and this Halloween will be no exception. It's one night that a child can actually become the superhero they dream about. Making their dream a reality is as simple as a costume and a night out trick-or-treating where everyone from family and friends to the neighbors can see them dressed head to toe as their favorite superhero.
Since the debut of the superhero Superman in 1938, stories of superheroes have dominated American comic books and have crossed over into television and the big screen. What draws many children to superheroes is simple - good v/s evil, with good always winning in the end. Of course their superhuman powers and all the cool gadgets they have doesn't hurt either. Another reason is that many superheroes are shroud in secrecy. They have secret identities, secret powers and even secret headquarters. Most wear masks and have some sort of sign on their costume recognizing them; for example, Batman has a bat on his chest, Superman the letter "S" and Spiderman has a webbed spider costume. On Halloween night children love the fact that they have a little bit of secrecy and that no one really knows who is behind the mask.
Many superheroes work alone in fighting crime, however there are also many superheroes that work in teams such as the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Justice League and Avengers. This makes for some great ideas for "group" costumes if your child wants to trick-or-treat with several of his friends.
A superhero themed birthday or Halloween party is also a wonderful idea. The child having the party gets to pick which superhero they want to be then all his/her friends come dressed as other superheroes. With all the great summer movies out this year there are quite a few superheroes to pick from; Batman The Dark Knight, The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man just to name a few.
So this year for Halloween turn your child's dream into a reality and make them truly feel like a superhero for the day!
Anna Bradford is an author and blogger for Halloween Express where you'll find the absolute largest selection of Halloween costumes and costume accessories available anywhere including the latest Kids Costumes including Super Hero costumes.