Make your toddler's first Halloween experiences memorable. Toddler Halloween costumes are available in a wide variety of styles. Your toddler can dress up as his or her favorite cartoon character or favorite movie star. Toddler costumes are available in traditional styles as well. Some of the toddler Halloween costumes that caught my eye this year are included here.
Bob-the-Builder is popular with toddler boys. The Bob-the-Builder costume includes a checkered shirt, overalls, hard hat, and a few tools to carry in his tool belt. This Halloween costume is adorable and doesn't cover your child's face so he will be able to enjoy all of his party games with friends without having to worry about losing his mask or getting his make-up messed up.
Harry Potter/Hermione costumes are another adorable idea for toddlers. The Hogwarts uniform includes a robe and neck tie. You can improve the costume with other accessories. Wands are a great addition to this basic toddler Halloween costume.
Ghosts are cute and fairly easy to create if you want to work on a home made costume with your toddler. A bed sheet or pillow case makes a great starting place but this costume can be made easily with a white sweat outfit and some face paint too. The sheet version can be made to cover the whole head and body making it difficult to tell your toddler apart from other kids or you can cut a whole for your toddler's head and then have the sheet cover the body area only. This way you can tell your child from other children and still have a great costume.
Your toddler can be cute as a bug in a Lady Bug or Butterfly costume this year. These costumes can be home made or purchased all ready made. Other bugs are available as well. Brightly colored bug costumes usually go over really well with toddlers as they are fun to play with as well as pretty enough to keep your child's attention and get your child excited about the holiday.
There are many other toddler Halloween costumes available this year. The possibilities are nearly limitless. Choose one your child is going to be able to wear while playing the games and enjoying a Halloween party as well as going trick-or-treating or whatever your family enjoys doing for Halloween.
There are a few things to keep in mind with toddler costumes. First you should make sure your toddler can go to the bathroom or at least be taken out of the costume quickly at potty time to avoid accidents. Another thing you want to remember is your child needs to be able to eat treats, walk, and play without being restricted. Being able to see your child's face and tell your child from all of the other ghouls on Halloween is important. You don't want to lose your child in the crowd either. If you can see your child's face it is easier to keep track of your little monster.
Looking for unique toddler Halloween costumes for girls? Visit TheGrimCreeper.com to find a wide variety of unique and adorable toddler and infant Halloween costumes We have toddler Halloween costumes for boys, girls, children, adults and even pets!