For a child Halloween means candy and costumes. For parents it's a matter of safety. What should be a fun and safe time can quickly become a frightening experience if one is unaware of the dangers that can lurk around any corner. So how can you ensure that your child has fun yet remains safe? Below are ten safety tips to help any parent get through the night without breaking a sweat.
1. Stay with your child. Walk in your neighborhood. If your neighborhood is small with only a few doors to knock on - try your local mall.
2. Choose costumes that are light in color, or if your child is a black cat, vampire or witch, have reflective tape on their costume. Don't forget those bikes, skateboards and brooms too!
3. Eat candy when you are at home. If any candy looks tampered with, throw it out immediately. If the candy looks at all suspicious contact your local police department.
4. Avoid wearing masks that can hamper your child's vision. Face make up is the best way to go and can even be fun to apply!
5. Carry a flashlight with you. Leave before it gets dark out, stay on streets that have streetlamps and only go to homes that have their lights turned on.
6. Stay in well-lit areas and carry a flashlight with you. Trick-or-treaters should not go inside homes without a parent accompanying them.
7. For extra safety, organize a Halloween party for children in your neighborhood or attend a neighborhood sponsored party.
8. Remind children to look both ways before crossing the street to check for cars, trucks and low-flying brooms.
9. Make your home safe for trick-or-treaters. Remove all objects around the outside of your home that could easily cause children to trip and fall. Turn your outside light on.
10. Equip your child with a cell phone so that your child knows they can call you - even if you are only walking behind them on the sidewalk while they walk with their friends.
Please visit http://myoctober31st.com/ for more Halloween fun!