Trick or Treat is a Halloween custom. It is the quote shouted by children who call on houses to get gifts at Halloween. In North America, England and Ireland, kids go round to people's houses on Halloween night which falls on October 31st, dressed in some kind of scary costumes, and challenge the inhabitants of the homes with the cry, Trick or Treat? The houseowner then chooses between a trick - where the kids play some prank or practical joke on them - or treat where the houseowner treats the children with sweets or candy or similar Halloween treat stuff. The houseowners usually stock up on Halloween treats before hand. With increased Tv penetration and exposure, the Halloween customs have spread across other parts of Europe and Asia too. In some places, the night associated with trick or treat is also known as beggars night.
The practice of dressing up in costumes and going from one door to other asking for treats on Halloween goes back to many years. Trick-or-treating is similar to the medieval practice of souling, when poor people would go from door to door, receiving food to eat in return for prayers for the dead on All Souls Day. This tradition originated in Ireland and England and the poor people were called soulers.
Trick or Treat is one of the great adventures of Halloween for little kids. Many towns have separate harvest festivals so that kids can trick or treat in safety and security. 'Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat' is another popular line used by kids around Halloween.
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