Already took the family for a summer vacation this year? Here are 10 excuses for taking them on a Hawaiian Christmas vacation this December.
1. Hawaiian Christmas airfares are cheap compared to summer airfares. Hawaiian Airlines often runs Mele Kalikimaka specials for as little as $300 roundtrip from the West Coast. But you can be there for the Christmas fun and save even more if you go earlier in December. Hotwire.com and Hawaiian Air often offer rates as low as $175 to $225 (L.A. and San Francisco to Honolulu.
2. Honolulu City Lights: The city of Honolulu (including Waikiki) goes all out for Christmas. Beginning with the Kawaiahao Church Service (the first Christian church built in Hawaii), a spectacular electric light Parade and the lighting of the decorated 63-foot Norfolk Island pine in front of Honolulu Hale (City Hall). The Hilton Village and other Waikiki Beach hotels are all decked out too. And there's a special trolley for Honolulu Christmas light viewing.
3. Hawaiian Santa: Children greet Santa at Waikiki Beach where he arrives in his red canoe.
4. Hawaiian Christmas Ornaments: These are so much fun! My kids used to weave the coconut frond ones for our tree, and there are lots of free or small fee workshops at this time of year for all kinds of Hawaiian Christmas decorations and wreaths that you can bring home with you.
5. Hawaiian Christmas Craft Fairs: Music, good food and lots of beautiful and fun Christmas decorations are found at the craft fairs. I've lived in some pretty artsy places, and I've never seen so many Christmas craft listings as in Hawaii. Just think how delighted your family, friends and neighbors back home will be when they see your tree decorated with real Hawaiian local style ornaments like kukui nut, tapa cloth angels and Santa's on surfboards.
6. Hawaiian Christmas Concerts: Children's choirs and favorite local musicians like the Brothers Cazimero sing songs like "Here Comes Santa in a Red Canoe" and the Hawaiian version of "The 12 Days of Christmas." And then there's "Silent Night" sung in English and Hawaiian. Live music is everywhere at Christmas whether you've got tickets to the Honolulu Symphony or you're strolling through Waikiki!
7. Hawaii Sand, Surf and Snow: And where else but on the Big Island can you build a snow board down a mountain slope and snorkel over a coral reef in the same day?
8. Balmy December Weather: Hawaii's daytime temperature at Christmas time ranges from a "chilly" 68 degrees in the evening to 80 degrees in the daytime. The trade winds keep you nice and comfortable. The water's also inviting year round - - you can snorkel, swim, kayak and surf in nothing more than a bathing suit.
9. Whale Watching: Speaking of the water, here are two more great reasons for a Hawaiian Christmas. In December, the humpback whales return from their feeding grounds in Alaska to mate, give birth and frolic in Hawaii's warm waters.
10. Hawaii Surf Championships: And in December, you'll also be able to watch humans "frolic" in the really big surf on the North Shore as they ride two-story waves competing in the Triple Crown.
So there you have it. 10 good reasons and all the excuse you need to Christmas in Hawaii this year.
For more great reasons to Christmas in Hawaii and to learn how to start planning a super cheap (but packed full of fun) Christmas in Hawaii, surf over to http://www.coconutroads.com/hawaiibudgetvacation.html
Mele Kalikimaka!
Cindy Blankenship
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