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Ghost stories and haunted houses are a mainstay of Halloween lore. During the fall, Hollywood typically releases a horror film or two. Many families huddle up on the sofa with caramel corn, popcorn balls and other Halloween treats and watch Halloween films or other horror movies.
Our fascination with ghosts and ghost stories dates back to the beginning of time. In many early religions, the concept of heaven and hell where not defined as they are in the Christian tradition. Therefore, the veneration or commemoration of a family's ancestors played a pivotal role in every day life. There were times during the seasonal calendar when the veil between the human world and the spirit world was more porous and allowed for the passing through of spirits, including ghosts. Autumn was one of those times for many ancient Indo-European cultures.
When one reads many old ghost stories, there is generally a fair amount of genealogical history associated with the stories, tales of tragedy and unfortunate connected to certain members of the family. In many cases, the ghost story involves some unresolved conflict within the family, which the ghost is striving to resolve in order to find peace. Some ghosts are seeking to have the truth of their untimely death acknowledged, while others are seeking to right old wrongs.
Ghost stories are not always related to murder, tragic death or other violent demise. As a premise in literature, there are a variety of motifs and uses for the ghost story. In a story the ghost can be attempting to guide or lead the protagonist to the right path, helping them resolve a conflict or find the truth. In some stories the ghost may not be a presence in the characters' lives but rather a marked absence.
While the spookier ghost stories might be too frightening for younger children, ghost stories or suspenseful stories are a great way to share this time honored Halloween tradition with children. Sitting around the campfire or riding in a wagon mounded with hay, telling tales is a great way to pass the time.
For many adults telling a ghost story is exciting, but visiting the site of the actual story is even more exciting. Many ghost stories are related to an actual physical location. That location, be it a house or a building, is then said to be haunted.
All around the United States and Europe, there are many haunted mansions and castles. In many cases, these houses are open to the public and offer tours, rich in history and culture. Some of the private homes are only open seasonally or to professional historians, writers and ghost hunters.
If there is not a real haunted house in the area, many clubs and organizations will put on a theatrical event, featuring images from horror films, blood, ghosts, monsters and the like. These houses are not for the faint of heart, but are very thrilling for those Halloween revealers who desire a bit more fright in their Halloween night.
Either way, taking a haunted house tour is a great way to experience "living" history or for getting a glimpse of how Hollywood does Halloween. Both versions of a haunted house make for a lively Halloween. Mixing in some ghostly fun can make Halloween a bit more educational for some and a bit more thrilling for others and is something the whole family will enjoy.
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