Friday, October 31, 2008
Chamber Maid Sexy Adult Costume

Sesame Street - Abby Cadabby Toddler Costume

Customer Review: Didn't notice scratchy tulle at the neckline....
My daughter LOVES Abby Cadabby. She's seen the costume when we were looking for a Halloween costume, and she screamed Abby's name. So of course, I had to get her the Abby costume. I found the price through Amazon was better than even Target, which was the cheapest I could find locally, AND found her size! The one thing that I did was put a long sleeved pink tee shirt and pants underneath, because Chicago in late October can get cold. We had her NICU (NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit) reunion last night, and she was thrilled to be dressed as Abby. Though she kept pulling at the neck and saying "Owwie" because it's scratchy. I think I might try washing it to see if that'll help. Otherwise, it was great. We also had gotten the headband and wand set, because my daughter doesn't have enough hair for the pony tails.. that's another story.
Customer Review: Abby Cadabby!
The costume is adorable! The wings velcro onto the back of the dress which is great. The hair peices are ponytail holders for kids with more hair. My 1 year doesnt have enough hair to keep them in. Which is fine. So i bought the headband instead that came with the wand, since this costume didnt come with a wand. The dress is very pretty though! The wings are very nice and soft. Nicer than the ones you can buy at Party City.
Snow White is one of the most beloved of all the fairy tale princesses. She represents innocence, faith, friendship, tolerance, and true love. Snow White has been a popular costume for young girls, but today the Snow White Halloween adult costume is all the rage.
While you can simply go to your local department store or shop online and find a Snow White costume, it is a lot of fun to actually make your own. If you have a little girl, you might want to make a child's version and an adult version and go trick-or-treating together.
Making a Snow White Halloween adult costume is not as difficult as you may think. If you are open to putting a little time and effort into it, you are sure to have a Halloween costume fit for the storybooks.
You will need to have access to a sewing machine, a blue t-shirt, some yellow, blue and red fabric, a red headband, a black wig, flowers, and a shiny red apple. When it comes to the amount of fabric, your best bet is to get a yard or two, which will be enough to fit just about any adult woman.
The first thing you will make is the blue bodice of the dress by cutting off the sleeves of the t-shirt. Use the blue fabric to make puffy sleeves for the dress. Sew stripes of red onto the sleeves. Next, you will want to assemble the skirt, which is comprised of the yellow fabric only. Remember to measure your waist so that the skirt actually fits you! Then, you will sew the skirt to the bodice.
Once you have constructed Snow White's dress, put it on. Don't forget to put on your shiny black wig, your red headband, and take your flowers and apple with you. For an extra touch, make your cheeks rosy and wear red lipstick for a truly royal appearance.
In order to make the best Snow White Halloween adult costume, don't get just any red, blue, and yellow fabric. Your best bet is to get a satin-like material to make the costume seem just like a princess' dress. A sure way to get the sleeves to stay in a puffy shape before you sew them onto the blue t-shirt, think about sewing an elastic band on the opposite end (you'll sew the other end onto the bodice.)
If you take a little time and effort to put together your Snow White Halloween adult costume, you will definitely become the belle of the ball. If trick-or-treating is in your plan for the evening and it is chilly where you live, think about wearing a pair of stockings or leg warmers that match your outfit underneath.
You can also wear a nude or flesh-toned long sleeve shirt or sweater underneath the bodice. Don't let a little cold ruin your night as Snow White.
Lowest prices ever on Snow White Halloween Adult Costumes. Grab yours now while they last at Snow White Halloween Adult Costume reviews. Better hurry because supplies are limited.
Wired.com Readers' Best Geeky Halloween Costumes (Wired News)
Your teenager is long past the time when a few rags sewn onto his old jeans made for a really cool mummy suit. So how in the world do you come up with an idea for a cool Halloween costume he'll actually wear in public? In this article we're going to show you how to create a cool Halloween costume any teen would be proud to wear to their next ghoulish festivity.
The Biker Teen
Rev it up with a cool Halloween costume that will turn your sweet child into the baddest biker on the block. Some black jeans paired with an old t-shirt (sleeves cut off or rolled, of course), and topped off with a great leather bomber jacket found at your local discount or thrift store, turns your teenager into a bad-to-the-bone terror on two wheels. Slick back his hair with a little gel to complete the effect, and dab on some "facial hair" using a sponge and brown crme makeup.
Punk Rocker Costume
Son not quite the biker type? Wants to spice things up with a bit more attitude? Try a great punk rocker look for a really cool Halloween costume that's as easy to make as it is great to look at. The look is easy enough to obtain - just some ripped up jeans and a rock-themed shirt; but the true "cool" in this Halloween costume comes from the spiked hair! If your teens hair is long enough, then the spikes will be easy enough to create; otherwise, you may need to purchase a wig just for the occasion.
To create the spikes, a combination of hair gel and white school paste is used. The trick is to first slick the hair with hair gel, and allow to dry completely. Next, take the white paste in your hands just as you did the gel, and pull sections of hair up into tall spikes on top of your son's head. You will need to work the spikes upward with your hands until they become tacky, at which point they should start to stand on their own.
The Doubtful Heiress
Hey - it isn't just the boys who want a cool Halloween costume to show off at their next party, your daughters are going to want to have their moment of fame, as well! The "Doubtful Heiress" costume is one of the most popular costumes when it comes to teen girls, and the look is as easy to create as a quick trip to your local thrift store. An assortment of rag-tag clothing in various sizes, colours and patterns is most all that is needed for this costume; paired with several strands of faux pearls and other costume jewellery (the more the better in this case). A teased hair-do finishes the look, and a giant handbag filled with "goodies" makes a great accessory.
Creating a cool Halloween costume for your teen is really more about being as original as possible than trying to be scary. Thrift stores and garage sales are the perfect places to find your bits and baubles for these really cool costumes; which means your teen will be happy, and so will your pocketbook.
Find more cool teen costume ideas at http://www.cutestcostumes.com
Visit these local haunts for Halloween - San Jose Mercury News
Visit these local haunts for Halloween San Jose Mercury News, USA - SAMBADA'S ANNUAL HALLOWEEN COSTUME BALL: Part of a two-night Afro-Brazilian dance party. 9:30 pm tonight and Saturday at Moe's Alley, 1535 Commercial Way, ... |
Since 1931, the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree has been lighting up the holidays each year for New York City residents and visitors. One of the most well known decorated Christmas trees in the United States, this tree has become an iconic symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree is also a major tourist attraction; thousands come to New York each year to see the tree lighting ceremony, or just to view the tree during the several weeks when it is on display.
The first tree displayed in Rockefeller Center in 1931 was a Balsam Fir measuring about 20 feet tall. It was set up by construction workers who were building Rockefeller Center, and during this depression-era, they were proud to have a tree displayed amidst the mud and construction debris of their work area.
Today the Rockefeller tree is usually a giant Norway Spruce measuring between 75 and 90 feet tall. The tree is unofficially selected each year by the manager of the Rockefeller Center gardens, with the search for the perfect tree beginning months ahead of time. Each year, the Rockefeller Center receives hundreds of photographs from people all over the United States, and even some in Canada, offering their trees for use in Rockefeller Center. The manager then drives around the Northeastern part of the United States, viewing trees and looking for the perfect specimen. In winter months, the tree is scouted out by helicopter until one has been selected.
Norway Spruce trees are not native to North America, in fact they grow naturally in Europe. Here in the U.S., Norway Spruces are generally planted as ornamental trees in front or back yards, and they can grow to enormous proportions, as tall as 80 to 110 feet. The Rockefeller center specifies that the tree they use for their official Christmas tree must measure at least 65 feet tall and 35 feet wide, though the tree that's usually selected measures larger than these dimensions.
Cutting and moving the tree is a very involved process. Cutting and moving the tree requires 15 to 20 people and a 180 ton all-terrain hydraulic crane. This crane travels to the location of the tree, and supports the tree by its tip while it is cut. Once cut, the tree is then transported to a truck with a large telescoping trailer, designed to accommodate up to a 125 foot tall tree. To avoid traffic congestion, the tree is usually moved into the heart of New York City during the nighttime hours via a pre-selected police escorted route.
The tree is erected in Rockefeller Center and is supported by four large guy wires and a steel spike that supports the tree at its base. The tree is then lighted with over five miles of stringed lights. In recent years, the tree's lighting has become more energy efficient. In 2007, for the first time, the tree was lighted with LED Christmas lights instead of incandescent. It is estimated that the LED lights have reduced the tree's energy consumption by almost two thirds. In addition, the Rockefeller Center has also put up a huge array of solar panels on the roof of one of its buildings, and these solar panels help to generate the electricity needed to light the tree.
The tree is generally lighted in a special ceremony in late November or early December, and is left up through early January. Once taken down, the tree is recycled into almost three tons of wood mulch that are donated to the Boy Scouts of America. The largest portion of the tree's trunk is donated to the U.S. Equestrian Team headquarters in Gladstone, New Jersey, where it is used as an obstacle jump for the horses and their riders. In 2007, however, the tree was cut into lumber that was then donated to Habitat for Humanity for use in houses.
Make your own home festive for the holidays with fresh cut Christmas trees from Home Products 'n' More. All live Christmas trees include free shipping and handling!
Detective Sexy Adult Halloween Costume Size 12-14 Large

Did you ever look in the windows of those grand department stores and wonder how they got their Christmas trees to look so perfect?
It's not nearly as difficult as it looks. And I'll share the secret here.
1. The tree - not that it matters a whole lot what the tree is, but my favorite tree is the fat rounded kind with branches that allow a bit of space between, but not so much that you can see through them. I love the smell of fresh pine. But in my particular case, with an allergy to pine, I find the most adorable fake tree I can find and make it look as much like a real tree as possible. I've even been known to tie pinecones to the branches as I wrap them with lights to make the tree appear more realistic.
2. The lights - Whatever kind of lights you choose, get enough to cover the tree well, but if you are going to add ornaments, you need less lights and more sparkle. I like to bury the lights just a bit inside the branches, so I add the lights as I put up the branches a couple of rounds per layer, so there's some depth to the tree, a few glowing lights hidden inside the branches. Wrapping the lights into the branches as you assemble the tree is great for a fake tree, but a real tree needs to have lights buried just inside the branches so you can stll see the ends of each light.
3. The garland - garland offers color and style to the tree. Add a garland that compliments your tree decorating style. After the lights are on, the tree is up, walk around the tree with the garland in your hand and drop generous swags of garland between the branches of the tree, allowing them to fall freely and gracefully. My favorite garlands are thin ribbon with a nice satin sheen to reflect the lights, beads, or for a natural look, some popcorn and dried berries strung on a thread. Jute or hemp lengths tied into loose bows at junctions make a nice natural drape on your natural or southwestern style tree.
4. The ornaments - A wide variety of ornaments depicting a specific theme work very well. My ornaments are mostly gold and white with some dark red or Christmas red and Navy blue thrown in for accent. I have angels, drummer boys, toy soldiers, glass orbs, stars, sleighs, a rocking horse or two, some crystal bells with carved ornaments inside, and some crystal ornaments with imprints of the nativity. When I look for ornaments, I look for things that say "Christmas" to me, and fit in the color scheme I've chosen for my tree.
Occasionally, my kids get the better of me and we use colored lights instead of white lights on the tree. Those years, anything goes on the tree branches, and we've done everything from stuffed animals and hot wheels cars hung in the tree to paper ornaments cut out of colored paper. Spirals, paper chains, and glued ornaments with glitter all go in our collection.
5. The topper - Whatever you want to put on top of your tree - make sure it's big enough to be seen. Our tree usually gets an angel or a star. I have a selection. My tree is 7 feet tall, and my star is well over a foot tall. My angel on the other hand is not so big, because she's always competing with the angels on the tree - so she can't be too huge.
If it's a color year, we make a new star out of colored paper or fabric and attach all kinds of shinys to it with glue. Last year, we had a bright yellow star with silver glitter and gold braid along the edges of a six pointed Star of David. It was awesome.
6. The tree skirt - Under it all you need something to hold the packages, and the finish it off. I have a white braid and ribbon skirt this year. It started out as a circle of cloth and I was just stitching some ribbon along the edge - I ended up with layers of ribbon spreading out around the base of my tree. The best part is, I don't have to put many presents under a tree that has a great skirt.
I've found a great adornment for my Christmas tree is a nativity that I can set under the edge of the branches, in plain sight. The star on top is a special touch - and the boughs of the evergreen protect it. Everyone notices the nativity under the tree, and I have a special place where children look and ask questions, so I can tell them the story of Jesus birth.
Of course, there's another nativity on an end table, another in my dining room, and another in each of the bedrooms, because I love nativities.
After all, what is Christmas all about?
Merry Christmas!
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Friday's celebrity dish - Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin are popular Halloween costumes (Whistler Question)
Ah! It is that time of the year again. The magic time when most of us have been close to exhaustion from all the situations we have been through during the old year and we are ready to begin afresh. Blessed is he who invented the concept of the New Year for he has given us hope just when we thought we couldnt take it any longer.
Even for those whose old year was a good one, the idea of a clean slate is short of a miracle.
So here we are at the end of December. The first of January approaching fast and furious and we begin to think about all the great things that we would like to be, do, or have for the next 12 months of our lives.
We keep thinking about this and that, most especially about dieting and exercising, which we can certainly take control, but the rest... we only wish that our life circumstances will change for the better: a better job, a better pay, a loving relationship. Our wishes remain floating in the air and, though we have great hopes we dont take action into making them come true.
For us to succeed, we must write them down. We need to make a list.
So here is my suggestion to you:
1. Separate your wishes into 4 categories, which are the ones the bulk of our wishes fall into: health, relationships, prosperity, and lifestyle. Then, subdivide them into 3 categories each, like this:
a. Health: weight management, nutrition, exercise
b. Relationships: life partner, friends, family
c. Prosperity: finances, business and/or job, possessions
d. Lifestyle: recreation and fun, culture and travel, self-growth and spirituality
2. For each category, brainstorm and write everything that you would absolutely love to have, do, and be.
3. For each item that you wrote, provide details, in a way that you can quantify. For instance: "I will be more loving towards my spouse" does not say much. But, if you can figure out ways in which you can be more loving, write them down with a number. For example: "I will bring my husband coffee in bed every Sunday;" "I will exercise for 30min, 2x/ week." Things like these.
Dont forget to live room for surprises and miracles, because they most likely happen.
4. Visualize the outcome of the things you have written down. How does it feel having received them? Dont lock the outcome; remember that there is always room for improvement.
5. Write down your declarations with a date and the term "I will." For example: "I will bring coffee in bed to my husband every Sunday beginning now." Or, I will weight 120 lb by December of 2007.
6. At the end, write: "This or something better, with gratitude." Date and sign the list.
7. Finally ask yourself the question: What are the infinite possibilities that all this will come into my life in the year of 2007?
8. Dont try to answer the question. Fold your list and put it in a place where you can open at the end of the year. Go about your life and when the time comes open the list up and start checking your blessings.
Happy New Year!
Want to have more love, abundance, health, time, fun, and prosperity? Visit Prescription For Bliss at http://www.rx4bliss.com, sign up for the newsletter and receive a fr*ee ebook called "Happy People Are More Abundant!"
Dr. Maria Moratto is the author of "Want to Save Your Relationship? Know Your Man!" among other books. Visit her site to get fr*ee affirmation cards.
Dr. Maria is available for Radio and Television Talk Shows, media interviews, and as a Guest Speaker at your events.
You may reprint this article in its entirety as long as you add this resource box.
Maria Moratto 2006
Why the Joker Mask For Halloween Will Be the Top Costume Choice
Are you set on going with a Joker Mask for Halloween? If so, you'll find that it is definitely a great costume to consider. With the popularity of The Dark Knight, many people are considering this type of a costume this Halloween.
While the movie was definitely popular and it really brought to life the characters within it, you'll find that the Joker just about stole the limelight from Batman in the movie despite being the bad guy. Here are a few tips that will help you to choose the perfect Joker Mask this year.
Tip 1 - Pick a Mask That Flatters Your Personality - When you are trying to pick out the right Joker Mask for Halloween, you'll want to pick out a mask that flatters your personality. If you happen to be more of a ladies man in an evil sort of way, then consider going with the mask from the Caesar Romero character, who was elegant and known as quite the ladies man.
Of course he later went on to be on the wanted list of Gotham City, but he still had charmed the ladies at one time. On the other hand, if you have a dark side and you're a bit twisted, then the latest Joker portrayed by Heath Ledger could be the perfect choice. It definitely portrays the aspect of horror and the twisted side of evil.
Tip 2 - Find a Mask with Hair - Another thing to remember when choosing your Joker mask is to try to find one that has hair with it. It can be difficult to replicate the joker hair on your own, and you probably won't want to have to purchase a wig too. So, look for the masks that come with the hair attached to them so you get the entire look for one price.
Tip 3 - See if It Comes with a Costume - While the mask could stand alone as your get up added clothing will definitely help you complete the look. While it is relatively easy to come up with some great costume choices from eccentric pieces of clothing from your closet, if you can get the mask with the accompanying accessories you'll go a long way to becoming the center of attention at your Halloween party.
Tip 4 - Compare Prices - Before you decide to buy the Joker Mask for Halloween or the rest of the costume, you may want to compare prices first. There are many sites online that offer costumes and masks but be sure to shop around. While it won't cost you and arm and a leg one of the major cost factors could be shipping and this is where you will want to pay attention to the prices being offered.
Lowest prices ever on Joker Mask for Halloween. Grab yours now while they last at Joker Masks for Halloween. Better hurry because supplies are limited.
![]() Canada.com | In Washington, Halloween Costumes Unmask Our Inner Political Goblins Washington Post, United States - Even dogs in dog-loving Alexandria last night were preparing for the Hotel Monaco's annual (brace yourself) "Howloween" costume contest and its new (brace ... Video: Halloween goes political Strange costumes found in Halloween party shops Who profits from halloween? |
Thursday, October 30, 2008
First "Halloween" Costumes: Skins, Skulls, and Skirts? (National Geographic)
Wired.com Readers' Best Geeky Halloween Costumes - Wired News
![]() Wired News | Wired.com Readers' Best Geeky Halloween Costumes Wired News - By Wired.com Photo Department It can be scary soliciting photos from Wired.com readers and not knowing what to expect, let alone Halloween costume photos. ... |
The 5 Costumes You Meet At A Halloween Party [Listicle] (Gawker)
Halloween - the most celebrated festival in the west, is the time for absolute fun. Kids enjoy the most when it comes to celebrating the Halloween. The very idea of going from one place to another in search of candy treats gets them high on their spirits. This is what kids Halloween is all about. They walk through the streets, wandering with an objective of collecting the candies. No matter how much fun it is, it is never for the good to take it very casually. Halloween can be really dangerous. If it is handled carelessly, it might turn out to be harmful. Safety of the kids at Halloween is really necessary. Various steps that you should take to ensure the safety of your kids are given below.
Firstly, it should be made sure that the children are wearing light reflective clothes. This makes sure that the kids are visible even in the night time. If they wear dark set of clothes, it may be fun, but people will not be able to see them and the speeding cars might hit them. So, for their own benefit, it is advised to dress them in light colors. It is also advised to get your kids few glow sticks. They can also be worn like a necklace or a bracelet. They are nice, fashionable and easy to wear.
The second thing that should be kept in mind while sending your kids to enjoy the festival is to ask them to move in groups. They should not roam around all alone. The best that can be done is to go along with your kids. This keeps them away from any sort of danger. With grown -ups around, they wont dare to be naughty. Trick-or-treats in groups are far more safe than roaming around all alone. Groups are definitely easier to notice. Speeding cars will catch an eye of such groups and will make sure that they do not pose harm to these kids. Their safety lies in the numbers.
Lastly, always try to keep a check on your kid's candy before letting him eat it. Hurl away the ones that you find defective or in a bad shape. If they are torn, opened or used, just throw them into the dustbin. These kids get so many candies on Halloween that they never actually tend to notice the spoiled candies and therefore, they eat them all. Tell them not to eat any candy before taking your permission. Inspect the candies very scrupulously and then only allow your children to eat the candies.
To buy halloween costumes and sexy costumes.
Halloween costumes have fire risks (Florence Morning News)
This Halloween, why not take your costume to the next level? With Halloween contact lenses (also commonly known as "special effects contact lenses" or "decorative lenses") you can do just that. As long as you adhere to the health and safety advice mentioned below, Halloween contacts could be the perfect finishing touch to bring the character in your costume to life!
Special effect contacts have been used in film, television, and theatre, even rock concert stages, for years, and now they're available at affordable prices to you, the consumer. You can find decorative contact lenses in all kinds of styles. From simple colors (ever wanted to be a red-eyed alien or a green-eyed reptile?) to elaborate designs (zebra stripes, stars, flowers, X's...) there are as many ways to use decorative contact lenses to enhance your Halloween ensemble as there are jack o' lanterns aglow on All Hallow's Eve.
Some of the great designs and styles of Halloween contacts available this year include: hypnotic spirals, cat eyes, wolf eyes, eagle eyes, bloodshot eyes, flames, all-white, all-black. It really gets your creative wheels spinning doesn't it? What are you going to be this year after all?
One variable you'll have to consider when poring through the choices is whether you want Halloween contact lenses that cover the entire sclera (that's the whites of your eyes) or just the pupil (the eyeball). There's plenty in either category, making it either harder or easier to decide, depending upon your viewpoint.
Knowing the kind of look you're going for will help a lot. Are you, for example, trying to transform yourself into a particular character (a Vampire, possibly, or even more specifically, the Vampire Lestat himself - because that's available too)? Special effects lenses that include the entire sclera often creates an all-encompassing, fully-transformative effect, incorporating more of the whole body into "becoming" this other figure. But maybe you merely want to accentuate a "look", the zeitgeist of an era, or an abstract concept. For this latter option, a cute design or a picture superimposed on your pupil alone, like a temporary tattoo, might be just the thing.
Some current favorites of the decorative lenses you'll find include those with the Biohazard /"Radioactive" symbol, symbols of poker suits, stars-and-stripes, Dune eyes, dollar-sign eyes, spider webs, smiley faces, both Predator eyes and Alien eyes, both Darth Vader and the Sith. You'll find styles and designs both timely and timeless as you explore all the options of Halloween lenses available.
Crucial in the safe and responsible use of special effect contact lenses for Halloween or at any other time, according to the FDA, is involvement by a licensed eye care professional. In fact, it's the law. Decorative lenses improperly made or used improperly have been known to cause permanent eye injury and even eventual blindness. Therefore, you must see your eye doctor before shopping for Halloween contact lenses to get proper fitting and instructions as well as the necessary prescription. You will need this whether you ordinarily wear prescription lenses or not. And don't even think of purchasing decorative lenses from any store (online or off) that doesn't ask for your prescription; it is illegal.
Some of the things your doctor will invariably tell you are that decorative contact lenses are not for everyday wear. Consider them for special occasions only. Never sleep or swim or bathe with them in, and don't use them while engaging in any activity that requires sharp visual acuity, for example cooking or driving or operating heavy machinery. In plain English - someone could get hurt.
Halloween contacts should not be worn unceasingly for long periods of time since prolonged use can cause strain and infection. And they should be clean and disinfected carefully before and after each use, according to your doctor's instruction. If after using Halloween contact lenses, you notice redness, swelling, or feel any sort of pain in the area, please contact your eye doctor immediately. Even if it turns out to be nothing, the joy in Halloween is that the danger is imagined, so let's keep it that way.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
To compare prices on Halloween contact lenses, visit http://www.contact-lenses-network.com/halloween-contact-lenses.htm
Joker Costume - Heath Ledger Style
The Joker will be everywhere this Halloween. "The Dark Knight" gave us a new take on the oldest of the super villains that Batman has faced. The Joker flat "got-his-psycho-on" in the most recent movie with the portrayal by actor Heath Ledger, and the fans loved it. So much so that the new Joker costume is projected to be the number one costume on the streets this Halloween.
No doubt about it, the untimely death of Heath Ledger as well as his new take on the Joker in The Dark Knight has made an impact on the public. Joker costumes are flying off the shelves everywhere.
Ever since the Joker's birth in Batman #1 he has been a staple in costumes and in the continuing stories of Batman. He is characterized as evil, with a penchant for comedic shtick in his plots and schemes, and dubbed the Clown Prince of Crime. The Joker has been grinning his way into popular culture for several generations now.
There are multiple different stories told in comic books and the movies as to how the Joker came to have his trademark grin, chalky white skin, red mouth and green hair. In one comic version the Joker even alludes to liking the multiple choices for his history, and having told so many different versions he can't remember the truth now himself.
Even the new portrait of the mad man with the wicked grin has kept some of the tradition in tact. The purple suit with green vest, while not as dapper as some prior Jokers, is still part of the defining quality of the character.
So that's where you should start when you're putting your costume together, with a purple suit or at least a purple jacket and green vest. Next you'll want to add the hair and makeup or a mask.
For your green hair, wigs save time and frustration, especially if you have light or chemically processed hair that might hold the dye. Even temporary colors can stick around longer than you may want. Be sure to read the label if you choose the dye.
Another decision you'll have to make is between a mask and makeup. Masks make the application of the face not only simple to wear but simple to remove if needed. If you opt for the makeup, you can also pick up latex scars to help the image along if you are doing the new Joker. If you are doing other versions, you'll just need to pick-up a makeup kit.
Remember, no matter which Joker is your favorite a costume should be available if you shop early. You can be the creepy, evil clown from the Batman comics and animated series. He was the slender, agile escape artist that kept returning again and again to challenge the hero. Or you could be the dapper and foppish, cowardly fool from the sitcom who couldn't fight his way out of a paper sack. Or now, you could be the new Dark Knight, psycho version of the Joker that Heath Ledger popularized. It would be the easiest of the Joker costumes to find, for sure.
If you have several parties to attend this season, you could do them all in a series, in order of appearance. Amuse your friends, family and yourself with a trick worthy of the Joker. Think of it as your homage to the Pasty Pillar of Perversity!
Which ever version you choose, you need to do it quickly if you don't want to miss out. The Joker costume is selling like "Mad".
To learn more and to find the best selection and lowest prices on Joker Halloween costumes check out this awesome Joker Costume site.

This Item Includes Knee Length Tunic with Gold Puff Printed Chest Detail and Attached Waist Flaps, Cape, Cuffs, and Gold Lead Headband
Uriah Heep July Morning
"There I was on a July morning, Looking for love, with the strength, of a new day dawning, And a beautiful sun,...", have you heard of this Uriah Heep July Morning song? The patriotic songs performed by Uriah Heep cannot miss the ears of any Americans. You can hear this fantastic patriotic song in Youtube or in your MP3 player, it will revitalize you with much more patriotism and pride of being the citizen of a great nation.
We all celebrate this great occasion of fourth July every year with many vibrant activities, feasts, games, fun filled sports, merry making events, nice desserts and mesmerizing fireworks. All these are done with the highly rejuvenating background scores. Uriah Heep July Morning is the perfect choice for the patriotic music to accompany all celebrations on this day of remembrance.
It will be a perfect choice for you to start the great birthday of the nation with the most revered patriotic song. Tracks by Uria Heep are the most popular songs all through United States. Looking for love in strangest locations without leaving any stone unturned great American patriotic flags fly high all above the world. Strength of a new dawn and song of a first bird, all are out there for the great festive day of American history.
There are many websites come up with free audio and video animation of this great lyrics and voice. You can freely download the July morning to the computer and enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of it.
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A glue gun, fabric, odds and ends plus a great imagination are all Tracy Bohren needs to create a photo-worthy Halloween costume. The Clovis, Calif., resident has been making homemade costumes for years.